Monday, December 7, 2009

Ministry Update- Dec. 2009

Greetings in the Lord Jesus Christ to all who may read this.

In trying to be a wise and good steward for the Lord by His grace, it looks like we may be discontinuing putting the Biblically Correct Show on WOTM in Birmingham. While the station expanded Charter Cable systems and updated to digital, it seems that most, if not all except one viewer was lost. The only thing that will keep us on is if I get a response when the station replays 2 existing shows there for free at various days and times. Otherwise, we will be moving to ION Television. They are 75% more in cost so we may just go on 1-2 times per month. But it will also be more exposure. I'm thankful to the Lord and Bill & Suzanne Thomas and Allan Veasey for their offer of help to get opening and closing credits on the show, as well as possible live webcasting and/or putting the shows on a website.

I'm also thankful for the Thomas' committing to come to a 5:30pm evening service regularly at the beginning of the year so we can see what the Lord's will is for an ongoing church ministry that either be in cooperation with Shining Light Community Church or part of them in the future.

After the first of the year I should know whether I will be one of the Elders at Shining Light Community Church. If that dies happen in the Lord's Providence, then I will be an Elder at Shining Light and Biblical Unity Ministries.

Appreciate continued prayers...

Brother Bret

Excellent Teaching Video by CrossTV on Double Predestination

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Some Videos That Have Been Shown on the Show

(The RC Sproul/Al Mohler Video has not aired yet as of 10/17/09)

Update and Changes

Well, the Lord seems to be moving. Hopefully you noticed the new name of the Ministry and Blog. The bank account still has to be changed but I'm changing the name of the Ministry from Biblically Correct Ministries to Biblical Unity Ministries. The purpose of the ministry is not changing. While we won't know for sure until March, it looks like the Lord is leading us to be a part of Shining Light Community Church, and we made our intentions known on Sunday October 18th. I am also being examined by the existing elders of the church to be a fellow elder of the church as well.

The TV Station did not go up on their rates so we are continuing the Biblically Correct TV Ministry on a month to month basis. The Lord also blessed in that the station is allowing me to broadcast for an hour per week now for no extra charge.

I'm working on a fund raising effort for the ministry and trying to get more financial support via business sponsorships and individual donations for the TV Show.

I appreciate your prayers as you have remembrance. Thank you and God bless you!

Brother Bret

Saturday, September 5, 2009

10 Reasons Why Churches Should Use the Method of Book/Chapter/Verse by Verse Preaching by Pastor Bret Lovitz

10 Reasons Why Churches Should Use the Method of Book/Chapter/Verse by Verse Preaching

Pastor Bret M. Lovitz, Biblically Correct Ministries

As I continue the "Ten Reasons" series, I want to share the reason for this format. Many in our culture today don’t have or won't take time to read long articles, papers, and books. My goal is to bring up issues that are important to the body of Christ in a format that is short and easy to read, yet with enough depth to clearly lay the issues before believers – and with the intention of provoking further study.

Expository or Book/Chapter/Verse by Verse Preaching is indeed one of these important topics. In recent decades many pastors have moved away from this method of preaching/teaching to topical sermons, though in the last several years we have begun to see a slow return to expository preaching in some churches.

This article is not only aimed at those elders who preach the word of God in local churches around the world, but to Christians in the local churches - to help them hold their pastors accountable to preaching all of God's word.

1. Studying God’s word verse by verse helps prevent us from skipping over wonderful "nuggets" of truth that are often missed with topical teaching (and even with textual & series preaching).

2. Verse by verse preaching helps guard against following any denominational or church beliefs that may be contrary to the word of God.

3. It helps us to be "Bereans" (Now these were more noble-minded than those in Thessalonica, for they received the word with great eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily, to see whether these things were so. Acts 17:11), and reduces the likelihood of interpreting scripture verses out of context.

4. It is the best way to proclaim the whole counsel of God (Acts 20:27). Studying through a book of the Bible at time we won’t miss truths. Topical teaching can and often does leave entire subjects untouched.

5. It makes it easier for the pastor to decide what to preach on each Sunday. I question the validity of the "extra biblical revelation" that many pastors claim to get from God on what topic or issue to preach on each week. Maybe some will think I’m trying to leave God out of the preaching process. Actually, I am following the order that God has revealed to us in His Word.

6. The congregation will know what will be preached each Sunday and can study ahead.

7. It can keep the pastor out of trouble. It cannot be said that he is choosing a topic based on a discussion with one or more members that were having problems.

8. It can help prevent pastors from preaching on their favorite or pet doctrines, and help keep them out of trouble with the congregation by focusing on the same issue or doctrine too much. When sin issues come up in the text, we preach on it. When it is baptism, we preach on it. If it is election and predestination, we preach on it. Or it may be church discipline and accountability, the role of women in the home and church, etc. I think you get the picture.

9. It helps to "biblically" weed out the tares/goats that visit or attend (maybe even members of the local church). So many that call themselves Christians in our culture today, who say they love the word of God, really want their ears scratched (and they try to accumulate teachers who will do that 2Tim.4: 1-3). Those who are Christ’s sheep will be content in worshipping the Lord through verse by verse expository preaching. Those professing Christians that won’t (or can’t) are in dangerous territory, and may very well be proving that they are not of Christ’s sheep (See John 10). If they are not Christians when they first come, but God is pleased to regenerate them, they will develop a deep love for the Word of God.

10. Jesus said that in searching the scriptures we will find that they testify of Him (Jn.5:39). It seems to me that the best way (and perhaps the only way) to see all that the Bible has to say about Christ is to proclaim the Word of God verse by verse, chapter by chapter, and book by book - all to the glory of God! Indeed the Bible is the accumulation of God-breathed writings of 40 people over a 1500 year period. But the order of each of these writings was ordained by God as well. So who are we to decide what portions of the bible we will or will not proclaim or change the order by which they were written??? I realize that we have to decide when and what order the books of the Bible are proclaimed. But I’m concerned with those scriptures that may never get covered because of topical or textual preaching or because of the fear that a scripture may not line up with the denominations, association’s, fellowship’s or church’s creed or statement of faith.

I’m not trying to judge the motives of those pastors who preach the word of God topically. I know that there are some good topical preachers out there that could put me to shame. It really comes down to why a pastor doesn’t preach the word of God verse by verse. Could it be the fear of losing or not getting people? Could it be the concern that tithes and offerings may not be as high? Is expository preaching seen as not as sufficiently entertaining or perhaps as too offensive? Is preaching the Word of God seen as not enough to save God’s people anymore? I don’t know that many pastors would say this consciously. But I do wonder how many deep down believe this. I am not a perfect pastor, and my Church is not a perfect church. We’re not inherently any better than those who don’t preach verse by verse in the Sunday morning service. And I’m not saying that I or others can’t make errors with this method. But, that reality doesn’t justify not preaching expositorally, anymore than our imperfection would justify not disciplining sin in the church or allowing a false gospel to be proclaimed from the pulpit.

Fellow pastors and elders, let’s preach the word…all of God’s word. For indeed, God’s Word will not return empty to Him without accomplishing what He desires and succeeding for which He sent it (Is. 55:11). Christians, encourage your pastors and hold them accountable. If they are not preaching the whole gospel, and refuse to get into the word of God (regardless of the method), then find a church that will. Today, there are fewer churches proclaiming the whole counsel of God, but there are some - it is worth your time to find one.

It is my prayerful hope that the Lord will use this article to get His people thinking about the importance of verse by verse expository preaching.

Bret Lovitz, Pastor/Elder
Biblically Correct Ministries

Biblically Correct Show #19 Original Airdate: 9/5/09

Biblically Correct TV
Show # 19 "Eschatology (The Study of Last Things) Pt.3:
Everyone Say Aaaah"

I Introduction

"Welcome to Biblically Correct. The show that endeavors by the grace of God
to be biblically correct rather than politically correct when deaing with the various issues facing the church and culture. Promoting, encouraging and utilizing the method of verse by verse preaching in the main worship service to bring about reformation, restoration, reconciliation and greater biblical unity for the glory of God."


If you are easily offended or have trouble handling hearing something that if different than what have believed, you may not want to continue to watch this TV Show.

"Come out from among them and be separate says the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing, and I will receive you" 2Cor.6:14-18


Proclaim the Gospel

Questions or Comments? 701-4388 after the show;

II This Show is Sponsored in Part By...

Royal Paints Inc. Christian Owned- Roy Whitson
7960 Crestwood Blvd in Irondale
For all of your personal painting needs, please go to Royal Paints

*** A special "thank you" to Brother Rodney James. He cut the grass again where we meet for worship and record this show. If you are looking for someone to do lawn maintenence for you home, then contact Mr. Rodney James at 401-0368 or 674-1991 "God sent, God's servant."***

Also Sponsored By...

Deo Natura Enterprises 789-3079

My wife and I have been attending Shining Light Community Church south of Birmingham, seeking the Lord's will for where He would have us serve, minister, and worship Him- their church or this church start attempt.

If you are going through hard times and in need of food please contact Shining Light Comm Church at 902-8602 or Biblical Unity Church at 747-9590. If you come to our worship service at 5:30pm, we would be glad to feed you after the service.


III Ministry Offerings
A) Sermon Outlines
B) DVD's
1. GraceFellowship: 1st & 2nd Thess; 1st & 2nd Tim; 1st & 2nd Peter; Titus; James.
2. Biblical Unity Church: John
3. Preach or Speak at your church Sunday afternoon or evening, Tuesday or Saturday evenings
IV Prayer Requests/Need to Talk?

V Eschatology (The Study of Last Things)

A) Another doctrinal area that causes disunity in the body of Christ

B) So far I have gieven a general overview and looked at the various pre millenial
view, especially encouraging Christians to be cautious about a PreTrib Rapture

C) Today I would like to look a little further at the amillenial view.
1. This is the view that there is no literal 1,000 year physical reign of Christ on earth
2. The 1,000 years mentioned in Rev. 20 is said not to be literal like some of the
other language used in Rev. (the first resurrection means regeneration there).
3. In Jesus' Discourse of the last days as recorded in 3 of the gospels (Mt. 24; Lk.
21; Mk.13), there is no mention of a literal physical 1,000 year reign of Christ.
4. Paul does not mention it when writing to the Corinthians (15:23-24).
5. In this view, the yet to be fulfilled prophecies will be fulfilled in eternity of the
new heven and earth.
6. In this view the rapture happens at the second coming, not Pre-Trib view.
7. Offically Historic Pre-Mill (Rapture at 2nd Com/Literal 1000 year reign) but have
no problem with the A-Mill view.
8. Full and Partial Preterism.


VII Give Away: Small Booklet by The Rutherford Institute: The Bill of Rights;
Magnetic Business Card & Calender...1st Caller to 701-4388

Questions or Comments? 701-4388 after the show;

Sponsorship, Support and Ways You Can help Us
A) Advertise your business and help support our mission for biblical unity, and biblical correctness over political correctness by sponsoring or co- sponsoring our show. For more information, call or e-mail me.
B) If you do not have a business you want to advertise, but still want to help us financially, please send us a personal check made out to: Biblically Correct Ministries 3045 New Castle Rd; Birmingham, AL. 35217
C) Tell as many people as you can about the show.
D) Invite others to your home to watch the show since not everyone can get it.
E) Record the show and let others watch it.
F) Puchase the 10-in-One Liquid Multi Vitamin & Supplement and do the free business at or contact me.

VIII Biblical Unity Church: Family - Racial - Ecclesiatical - Doctrinal
5:30pm Sundays- 3045 New Castle Rd between Carson Rd and Tarrant Rd
A Church where everybody is somebody, and Jesus Christ is Lord & only Savior
The last stop in your search for that slightly imperfect church!

Questions or Comments? 701-4388 after the show;

IX Well, we are out of time for this week. If you have any suggestions, articles, comments, questions, or would like to be considered for a guest on this show, contact me at 701-4388 or BCTVAlabama Lord willing, we'll see you next week on Biblically Correct.

Ten Ways To Help Us Achieve Greater Biblical Unity by Pastor Bret Lovitz

Ten Ways To Help Us Achieve Greater Biblical Unity

1. Pray for it regularly.

2. Pray about and study the word of God without any preconceived beliefs and ideas. Don’t try to get it to mean what you already believe personally, let it mean what it says!

3. Use a bible that is more of a “word for word” translation such as the King James Version, New King James Version, New American Standard Bible, or English Standard Version.

4. Remember…Observation; Interpretation; Application. Study the word of God by books/letters, chapters and verse by verse. Be sure to try and keep the context and not break up the thought pattern of the Inspired writer.

5. Remember what Dr. John MacArthur calls “The Analogy of Faith”- comparing Scripture with Scripture in your studying. Compare Scripture that “appears” to contradict others but could have more than one interpretation (even though only one is correct) with Scripture that is “cut and dry” with only one interpretation. No single verse or passage of Scripture stands alone unless it is alone because the topic is not dealt with any where else in God’s word.

6. If they are not already, encourage your church to proclaim the word of God verse by verse in the main worship service. If they will not, and you have a God-given conviction about it, start attending a church that does proclaim the word of God verse by verse. Such preaching helps the preacher keep the word of God in context and not miss various truths, to be a greater means to reduce differences and divisions in the body of Christ. We say “during the main worship service” because so many more professing Christians go to that service than Sunday School, Sunday night services, and mid-week night services.

7. Be careful about saying something doesn’t apply because of the difference in cultures of bible times and now. While that is sometimes true in God’s word, it is not always the case. Especially if “non cultural” illustrations or examples are given by God in His word Himself.

8. Remember some presuppositions such as: God is perfect, holy, righteous, truthful, and without sin. He does not make any mistakes or errors; therefore there are no contradictions in His written revelation preserved for His people. Further therefore, the bible is the word of God from Genesis 1:1 through Revelation 22:21 and without any error in the original manuscripts. Remember that even among the over 5000 Greek and 7000 Latin manuscript copies that mankind has in their possession; there is an amazingly high degree of accuracy so that no major doctrine or anything salvific is affected.

9. Have a God-given desire for biblical unity in the body of Christ. I say “biblical” unity because we are not talking about unity at the expense of standing for the truth of God’s word and the glorious gospel of Christ. We know it will not be perfect on this side of glory. Because of pride and sin there will always be some division. Because of that, geography, and population, there will always be a need in this life for many, many local churches. But the many denominations, belief systems, myriad of local churches, and division and disunity in the body of Christ can be minimized by the grace of God and using the means He has given us more properly.

10. Remember the motto (that did not originate with me): “In essentials unity; in non essentials liberty; in all things charity.” There are certain salvific and important doctrines that we may have to separate over on a local church and fellowship basis. But there are others such as Eschatology (study of last things) that we can agree to disagree over and still fellowship, serve, and worship the Lord in the same local church. Let’s remember that even in our disagreeing, we need to respect and love one another as fellow creations of God and brothers and sisters in Christ as it applies. Let’s speak the truth in love (Eph.4:15), one without the other just ain’t biblical.

Did I mention praying regularly? Do I have to mess this article up and count it as number eleven? :^ ) But may we also act on those prayers according to the word of God, by the grace of God, for the glory of God, through and because of His Son- our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Pastor Bret Lovitz
Biblically Correct Ministries

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Welcome, Growth, and Policy For Giving

Welcome to the new and updated Blog for Biblically Correct Ministries and the weekly Christin Talk Show Biblically Correct.

We have begun a gospel sharing and fund raising plan in addition to request for finanical support on the show. It is my hope and prayer that we will be able to expand the existing show to a one hour format, have a live local radio show with the possibility of going to syndication, and go on a national Christian network with the TV Show as well (I was pre-approved by a network on DirecTv, but are waiting on the Lord for funding).

But I also have some convictions on giving that I believe are biblically based that I hope you will consider. Please find it below, and God bless you for your prayerful and finiancial support for this ministry.

While I have mentioned the following when making requests for financial support for BCM (Biblically Correct Ministries), I would like to post this so it will be available publicly for the future.

As a local church pastor, president of BCM, and based on personal convictions that I hope are based on biblical principles, I think it would be hypocritical of me to request financial support from others with asking that they do not take away from their regular tithes and giving at their local church. So here is BCM’s policy that I hope contributors will use when prayerfully considering giving to BCM.

1. If you believe in ”tithing (10%)” please do not give to BCM unless and until you are tithing off of your household income to your local church.

2. Even if you do not believe in “tithing” please do not reduce your committed giving to your local church to give to BCM.

3. If your local church is having financial difficulties or special projects, please do your extra giving there and not BCM.

4. If you do not have extra money due to your current bills such as housing, utilities, groceries, local church, and other financial “committments”, we understand and do not expect you to give to BCM.

5. We also realize that BCM is one of many ministries out there. There are also numerous charities as well. But if you have been blessed finacially so that you have plenty of money over and above your financial obligations such as those listed above, and believe in the ministry and convictions God has given me, I do hope that you will consider giving to BCM.

Please send bank drafts (such as through your bank’s bill pay), personal checks, or money orders to 3045 New Castle Rd; Birmingham, AL. 35217 made out and addressed to Biblically Correct Ministries. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call or e-mail me.

Thank you.

Pastor Bret Lovitz